Video Submissions


This is a video project which will be presented live at the “VOICES Out Of Darkness: An Exploration of Addiction, Trauma & Suicide in Young Adults Through Stories of Emotional Darkness + the Light of Healing” Event in Delray Beach at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Saturday, December 8th, 2012. 

*It will also be loaded on the web on the VOICES Out of Darkness Website + YouTube.*

The video project is meant to highlight for people suffering from issues of addiction, trauma, and suicidal thinking & the communities they live in, both the pain of emotional darkness, and the light found in healing. It is meant to tell the story, through the voices of many life “parables,” or teaching stories, the nature of suffering and healing.  

We are looking, specifically, for the voices of persons from the younger generations, meaning stories of suffering and healing in those who are between 18-30-something OR the stories of those who went through suffering and found personal healing during the ages of 18-30-something. 

We want to bring honest reflections of the pain of these issues but also the hope found in the truth of people’s healing to young people as they enter into this emotionally dangerous holiday season. 

Our hopes are that this video for Voices Out of Darkness, while being premiered at this local and seasonal event, will be visible throughout the year and beyond one small spot on the globe--in the virtual world as an illustration of the experience of darkness and the capacity to return to a place of light and joy, once again.

Deadline for Submissions: 
November 9th, 2012

4 Parts of Pain + Healing: 

There are four subject areas that this video project will focus on as an intentional way of traveling through the darkness of stress/distress into the light of personal healing (whatever that is for you and however you define it). You can submit videos for ALL four areas of focus--to follow your own storyline from beginning to healing--or they can tell your story from whichever parts of your journey you wish to share. 

PART ONE: Pain/Darkness/Suffering

PART TWO: Realization That There is A Problem

PART THREE: Treatment, Getting Help, Searching for and Working Through Different Methods of Healing

PART FOUR: Healing and Coming Out of Darkness; Finding Your Own, Self-Defined, Place of Light  

We all share, together, in being a unified body of VOICES OUT OF DARKNESS.