Event Schedule

8:00am-9:00am | optional AM YOGA with guest teacher on the lawn

8:30-9:30am | check-in at the registration table + visit the vendor tables + creating honorary ribbon strands for "the memory garden"

9:30am | welcome message 

9:40am | introduction to the event 

9:50am | opening reading by Rabbi Jenny + moment of silence with a collective of interfaith leaders 

10:00am | "Voices Out of Darkness" Micro-Documentary Part 1

10:20am | AM Break 

10:40am | Michele Rosenthal: Her Story of Trauma, PTSD + Healing

11:10am| Dena Sisk Foman: Lineage of Pain {in a family of Addiction + Bipolar Disorder} + A Story of Communal Healing

11:40am| reading by intefaith leader segueing into lunchtime

11:50-1:00pm | Lunch Break + Time to Visit Vendor Tables

12:10-12:30pm optional Guided Contemplation with Teresa B Pasquale in the garden or in the upstairs lounge--weather dependent

12:35-12:55pm optional Mindfulness Practice with Kimberly LaRue  in the garden or in the upstairs lounge--weather dependent

1:00pm | Christopher Pasquale, CAP: Addiction + Recovery 

1:30pmPM Break 

1:45 | Q + A Panel + Community Discussion: with Michele, Dena, Chris, + moderator/participant Teresa

2:20pm"Voices Out of Darkness" Micro-Documentary Part 2

2:40pmclosing reading by a representative of the Episcopal Recovery Ministries + with a collective of interfaith leaders 

2:50pm | lighting of candles + ribbon strands in "the memory garden" + closing song

3-4pm | optional PM YOGA with Lisa Kelly of The Red Tent on the lawn

*Schedule is open to some alteration up to date of event.*