
Voices coming 
Out of the
Invisible wars &
Cycles of
Emotional pain, trauma &
Suicidal thinking addiction into 

the light of healing.


We hope that VOICES OUT OF DARKNESS will create a space in community where we can talk about the "taboo" elements of pain which WILL effect us all in some way--whether through a neighbor, friend, family member, or ourselves. 

Issues of addiction, traumatic experience, emotional distress and mental health issues, as well as suicide in young adults (persons 18-30something) are rampant and we are, AS A COMMUNITY, responsible to see these issues in our midst and address those which impact our own heart and soul. 

VOICES OUT OF DARKNESS is a community project of awareness (and hopefully also prevention) that brings the "taboo" out of the darkness and into the light--through stories of those who have SURVIVED and THRIVED out of their own personal emotional pain. 

Through speakers from our local community, who have battled personal darkness and found healing light, and a micro-documentary film sharing the many VOICES coming out of darkness, we begin this conversation as a COMMUNITY

Whether your life has yet been marked by these painful issues we hope you will come together to share as a community of hope and healing to listen to stories of true pain and recovery AND take the "taboo"of these discussions out of the edges of our world and into the CENTER OF OUR HEARTS.