Our Speakers

Christopher Pasquale
Christopher Pasquale, C.A.P.

Chris is also a full-time Primary Therapist at Delray Recovery Center and is a trained Certified Addictions Professional (CAP). He earned an Associate of Arts Cum Laude from The Kings College in New York and a BA from Felician Catholic College in the Franciscan tradition in Lodi, NJ.

Christopher implements a variety of therapeutic approaches including REBT and a certain unique approaches including his own brands of "Wizard of Oz Method" and "Rhino Theory" (ask him about it).  

Chris's personal history comes through a family of addiction, the loss of his brother, and 10 years in recovery, himself. His ability to understand addiction and to give insight into healing comes by way of both his training and life knowledge. He is a mentor to many in the recovery community and supports all who are willing to find change, growth and healing in a path of addiction recovery.  

Chris is also an active part of the SEEK{ers} program as co-leader/facilitator and he is also the Part-time Youth Minister at St. Paul's, working with the tween and teenage kids from various towns in the Palm Beach County area. He has extensive experience in ministry--youth and otherwise--in New Jersey (where he relocated from 3 years ago) and brings passion, energy, commitment and a deep faith and knowledge of theology to SEEK{ers} and his Youth Group work. 

He has a wonderful way of taking complex theological and historical information and making it understandable, palatable, and interesting in new ways for new generations of people.

He is married to Teresa B. Pasquale and together they share a home, four dogs, and a passion for helping and healing 
wherever and however they are able.

Michele Rosenthal, CPC, NLP, CHt

Michele Rosenthal is a trauma survivor who struggled with undiagnosed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for 24 years.Then she was diagnosed and went on a healing rampage!  Today, you'll learn some of Michelle's most powerful tips to healing freedom!

Michele has been interviewed on many radio programs and has been featured in Ladies’ Home Journal, St. Petersburg Times and the Orlando Sentinel. She is a top health blogger for the Stress Management Community of Wellsphere.com, and the host of Your Life After Trauma on Seaview Radio. She is the founder ofwww.healmyptsd.com.
Michele’s trauma recovery memoir, Before the World Intruded: Conquering the Past and Creating the Future, will be released in April 2012.
With a passion for helping survivors of every type of trauma, Michele sits on the advisory board of Hope4PTSDvets.org, St. Clair Butterfly Foundation and is Joint Partner with The SWAT Institute. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Pennsylvania, a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry from Vermont College, is certified in hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and is an alumna of The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching.
Program Director of Health Services, Warriors Pathfinder Program
As seen on or in:


Dena Sisk Foman

 Dena Sisk Foman is a partner at the law firm of McLaughlin & Stern, LLP in West Palm Beach, FL. 

In addition to practicing law, Ms. Foman is the author of Only I Can Define Me:  Releasing Shame and Growing Into My Adult Self which is a memoir that discusses the challenges that plague families dealing with mental illness, poverty and lack of resources.  

Ms. Foman discusses her personal challenges of being the child of addicted parents, quitting high school and overcoming. She shares her story in hopes that others struggling with the shame associated with struggle will feel empowered to define their worth rather than allowing outside forces to determine for them. She is a passionate advocate for mental health, women’s issues and education. 

After publishing her first book, Ms. Foman founded The Let’s Talk Initiative, Inc. which is a non-profit that strives to bring awareness to children’s mental health issues.  The non-profit’s mission is to provide services to elementary school age children struggling with issues that cause them to be silent such as divorce, bullying, death in the family, sexual identification or any other reason that causes a child to hold their thoughts.  The Let’s Talk Initiative hopes to reach the child and help before the scab becomes a permanent scar. 
Dena Sisk Foman is married to Bill Foman and has four sons:  Clayton (22), Walter (9), Jackson (6) and Xavier (6).


Rabbi Jenny Kuvin
Interfaith Community Leader, Kabbalist + Trauma Survivor


  • Spiritual Coach
  • Soul Retrieval/Trauma
  • Shamanic Healing Practitioner
  • Moral Reconation Therapy
  • NLP/ Theta Practitioner
  • Anger Management and Aggression Control
  • Angel Healing Practitioner
  • Grief Counseling and Group Work
  • Interfaith and Jewish Mysticism
  • Reiki Master Teacher
  • Guided Meditation and Visualization

Work Experience

June 2008 - May 2012 – Hanley Center: Coordinator of Spiritual Care Department/ Spiritual Care Counselor.
January 2004 - 2008, Law Office of Jennifer Steinberg Kuvin. Esq.: Attorney
January 2001 - January 2003, Transition, Inc. Youth Opportunity Center: Program Director.


July 2010 - Rabbinical Seminary International, New York, NY.
May 1996 - St. Thomas University School of Law, Miami, FL.
May 1992 - University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL. BA, Liberal Studies.
Studied at the Rabbinical Seminary International under 3rd generation Hungarian Kabbalah Mystic Rabbi Joseph Gelberman. Teacher of Jewish spirituality and mysticism. Certified Interfaith Counselor well versed in all major spiritual traditions.

Certified Master Teacher of Energy Medicine, student and Practitioner of Andean Shamanism, Teacher and Practitioner of Vocal healing. Acclaimed author of The Terrible and Wonderful Ugly and Beautiful Story of My Life So Far, used all over the world to help others heal from addiction and trauma.Works with Patient's and Professionals shifting addiction and trauma victim paradigm to that of visionary and hero.